Whatever the path of people involved in druidry, witchcraft
or any other kind of neo-paganism, or no spiritual path as such, divination is
a possibility for everyone. Taromancy (tarot) is one of the more popular –
there is also runecasting (futhark), pallomancy (pendulum), scrying, I Ching,
and… well, countless
other methods of divination.
A man conducts a geomancy reading for a friend at a Medieval Banquet, Gloucestershire, England, July 2006 |
I’ve never been one for divination. Not everyone is – some
people just go about their lives and make their own future! (Even more sensible
than reading tarot every week and relying solely on it). It’s like reading your
horoscope. People who don’t read them lead perfectly healthy, full lives. But
divination, while serious, can also be fun – or rather, a way to see what
powers you have, what possibilities can be challenged. As I said, divination
has never been my thing, but I’ve done some pallomancy, and these days, futhark
runes and the gypsy runes appeal to me much more, especially the gypsy runes.
Stones O’Leery, as far as I’ve been told, should be created
from flat, smooth stones gathered from river beds. Smooth and tumbled by water
for many years, they’re naturally formed by nature, very appropriate for
divination. Pick each stone personally, and create your own set of stones.
Gypsy runes or Stones O’Leery consist of 10 runes. I have
since learnt that there are witches’ runes which are very similar, but have
either 8 or 13 runes – several of the stones’ symbols are similar in the
witches’ runes, and also are very similar in meaning.
Image from AlaskaLaserMaid |
In the Witches’ Runes it has the same meaning.
In the Witches’ Runes, this stone represents change.
In the Witches’ Runes it represents arguments and
In the Witches’ Runes it represents friends, family, and
In the Witches’ Runes, is represents unexpected news, old
In the Witches’ Runes, it means good luck and success.
In the Witches’ Runes, is means love and relationships.
In the Witches’ Runes, it means success and progress.
Shake stones while thinking
of questions or chant this:
‘Stones O’Leery, Stones O’Leery,
Tell me truly, tell me clearly
Give to me an answer true
Show me what I am to do
Let my eye see clear and bright
That I may see my future right.’
Ask simple questions – ‘What is my day going to be like?’ ‘What’s going to happen today?’
Stones that show symbols should be read, ones facing downward have no meaning.
The runestone furthest away from you is the leading stone and the most important. The others decrease in importance as they fall nearer to you.
If one lands on top of another and they both show symbols, those 2 stones carry the answer.
Another way of casting the runes is to separate the eye stone (representing yourself) and place it in front of you on the floor – when you cast the stones, whichever stones showing that land nearest the eye stone are the most important ones.
If you cast and no symbols show, it means it is not the right time to ask – wait 7 days and try again.
Casting Runes is divination, not a game.
Tell me truly, tell me clearly
Give to me an answer true
Show me what I am to do
Let my eye see clear and bright
That I may see my future right.’
Ask simple questions – ‘What is my day going to be like?’ ‘What’s going to happen today?’
Stones that show symbols should be read, ones facing downward have no meaning.
The runestone furthest away from you is the leading stone and the most important. The others decrease in importance as they fall nearer to you.
If one lands on top of another and they both show symbols, those 2 stones carry the answer.
Another way of casting the runes is to separate the eye stone (representing yourself) and place it in front of you on the floor – when you cast the stones, whichever stones showing that land nearest the eye stone are the most important ones.
If you cast and no symbols show, it means it is not the right time to ask – wait 7 days and try again.
Casting Runes is divination, not a game.
AlaskaLaserMaid from Etsy |
Here is a PDF for you to print up.
See how you go with this form of divination. Make your own stones – gather smooth stones from riverbeds or beaches and paint the symbols on yourself. With this guide you can read your fortune. Alternatively you can purchase them from AlaskaLaserMaid from Etsy.
Good Luck!
I don't think my comment posted so I'll try again. Thank you for this post. Its good information on an illusive subject. Any ideas on how the name O'Leary is attached? Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteThanks Patrick, it certainly is an illusive subject, I gathered all the information I could to write this. Not sure about the name O'Leary, I can't remember what my friend told me about it. Perhaps the word 'leer' is related to it!
ReplyDeleteHave u ever heard of a stone with a z on it and a dot just by the bottom of the z thanks x
ReplyDeleteO'learys is very old gypsy family name on the Cork/kerry border,there are still some O'leary travellers but not many,most O'learys dont call themselves gypsy/travellers anymore(Wriiten by an O'leary)